Pristine glacier location
Pristine glacier location

Q21’s source is found at one of the highest altitudes in Iceland; the prehistoric glacier of Eyjafjallajökull, situated to the north of Skógar and to the west of Mýrdalsjökull

Make it your own
Make it your own

Enhance your brand, innovate and differentiate your products with Q21’s exclusive glacier water.

Renewable & sustainable
Renewable & sustainable

Q21’s products are sustainable and carbon neutral and have no local environmental impact as harvesting does not interrupt the natural flow of fresh water to the sea.

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Pristine, Icelandic water...

The iconic Eyjafjallajökull glacier holds a secret it is one of the world’s rare natural resources of accessible, clear, pure water. It sits high above the land and from this prehistoric source, ribbons of glacier water flow towards the sea, naturally filtered over time through volcanic lava rock.  From this flawless water source, combined with the most natural filtration process, emerges the cleanest purest water available to mankind. Q21 offers direct delivery of glacier water worldwide, ensuring it maintains it’s “nothing added, nothing taken away” quality.